Happiness Coaching

Create lasting, sustainable happiness, translate joy into practical habits, and build a fulfilling life where inner joy becomes your natural state of being.

Marta Happiness Coaching workshops and reiki ceramics

Create a life you’ll truly love.

Hi, I’m Marta, the creator of Kvinnominne. My mission is to help you step into your power and create a life you’ll absolutely LOVE, rooted in a deep sense of purpose and inner joy.


  • No longer being captive to your fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, and turning them into a superpower - a vehicle towards change and growth!

  • Consciously creating and attracting your dream reality instead of constantly plowing forward, getting frustrated and discouraged in the process.

  • Rewiring negative thinking and limiting beliefs into a positive mindset that helps you bring your vision to reality.

  • Living out your vision board life! Aligning your daily life with your goals, and turning your vision board into a tangible reality, step by step.

This is not just wishful thinking, but a reality I was able to create for myself, over many years of self-work.

I would be honoured to share my happiness blueprint with you.

As seen in:

Harvesting the power of thought.

Everything around us started with a thought. The choices we make, our relationships, our lifestyle, and our entire perception of the world are the physical manifestations of our thoughts.

Thoughts are quite literally spells that bring our reality into being, and they can make it either heaven or hell.

My goal is to help you live a life that’s the highest expression of your thoughts, where your heart, soul, and thoughts are aligned and working together towards realising your deepest dreams.

This is an invitation to embrace your shadow, and with it, the whole array of emotions. The path to sustainable happiness lies in understanding that every emotion - sadness, heartbreak, joy - is here to teach us something and help us grow.

Neuroscience meets spirituality.

My workshops and coaching sessions blend elements of neuroscience, spirituality, mindfulness, and energy work. I see spirituality as a way of connecting with deeper parts of myself and tapping into the inner knowing to then use it as a vehicle for change and growth.

By combining mindfulness practices with neuroscience tools, I create a truly beautiful mind-body connection to support you on a deeper level.

Here’s how we can work together:

Group workshops and 1:1s

My sessions will equip you with deeply transformative tools and beautiful, heartfelt routines to reprogramme your mind for joy, show you how to consciously create your dream reality, and help you live from a place of heart and soul alignment, making gratitude and a deep sense of joy the key drivers in your daily life.

Corporate events

If you’re a conscious leader wanting to inspire and uplift your team, I’d love to hear from you! I’m available for in-person sessions and brand collaborations in Stockholm and Dubai, and digital workshops worldwide.

Speaking gigs and panel discussions

Fostering meaningful conversations around the topics of female empowerment, self-growth, and happiness is a huge passion of mine. If you’re looking for a speaker for your next event and feel that our work is aligned, I’d love to hear from you!

Your Happiness Toolkit

I will also show you how to create your very own Happiness Toolkit - a set of powerful practices and daily rituals that will truly transform your mind and thinking and hence your life! From science-backed methods to beautiful, soulful routines rooted in centuries-old yogic teachings, your toolkit will be on hand whenever you need it.

My Happiness Formula

  • Happiness may seem like a vague concept but it can absolutely bring tangible results. We will start by getting clear on what happiness means to you on a deeper level, then translate it into daily habits and mindset shifts to help you create a life that’s in alignment with your authentic self.

    We will look at happiness not as a destination, but a way of living - something to be experienced in the here and now, as you’re taking inspired action towards your goals and dreams.

    We often choose our desires based on what feels realistic and what we think we should be doing. But by doing so, we’re limiting ourselves, playing into our own limiting beliefs. To truly embrace inner joy, your idea of happiness must be completely true to who you are. By doing more of what lights you up, you create a domino effect and gradually start filling your life with more positivity and alignment.

    This then leads to inspired action that ripples across all areas of your life - improving your relationships and career, helping you take bolder action towards your dreams. All this while you’re allowing yourself to enjoy the process and the incredible woman you’re becoming!

  • Your life is an expression of your thoughts which, in turn, are affected by the conditioning and subconscious programming that you’ve picked up since childhood. Combined, they create a belief system that affects how you see yourself and the world - including your relationships, career choices, approach to money, love, everything really. This belief system, especially if it’s fueled by fear, limiting beliefs, or negativity works against you, keeping you stuck.

    Changing your life starts with changing your belief system.

    We often see our beliefs, especially the limiting ones, as facts. This is why it’s so important to question them so that they can support our growth rather than stagger it.

    Think of your beliefs as a foundation. It’s a bit tricky to build a beautiful home on shaky grounds, right? This is why you might find yourself repeating a certain pattern, or attracting the same unwanted situation, over and over. The good news is, you can change that!

    Understanding the limiting beliefs that block you from reaching your potential and experiencing true joy is a beautiful and deeply transformative practice. It puts you on the trajectory for greater happiness and fulfillment while helping you build a kinder, more loving relationship with yourself and your loved ones.

  • Once you become aware of the conditioning that’s been limiting your access to joy, we’ll start working on replacing your negative beliefs with new, empowering ones. This will help you take your power back, and step into alignment with the life you’ll truly love!

    We’ll use a mix of wonderful tools and practices rooted in positive psychology and neuroscience that will, quite literally, rewire your mind for positivity, helping you create a whole new reality for yourself. We’ll tap into neuroplasticity - your brain’s natural ability to change and adapt, as you create and reinforce new neural pathways by working on creating a new, supportive belief system.

    We will combine these with beautiful mindfulness practices and energy work to help you transform on a deeper level. This will include visualisations that will help you show up as your most abundant future self, as well as journaling, gratitude and meditation, to truly uplift you through the process and shift your energy to a higher, more empowered state.

    By bypassing your internal programming, you’ll be able to step outside of the box of conditioned responses and start living in a way that’s truly aligned with you. It's like peeling off the layers to reveal your true, shining self, underneath the limiting identities and beliefs you’ve subconsciously taken on.

  • We will also create beautiful daily routines, aligned with your vision for happiness and your sense of purpose. This will allow you to truly tap into that sense of daily joy and take inspired action.

    Since happiness isn’t the goal but a way of living, everything I share with you is designed to let you experience daily happiness in your life exactly as it is now. Daily joy will act as a catalyst for change as your new routines and mindset shifts invite you to dream big, break through your limiting beliefs, and help you see opportunities where there was once an obstacle.

    Changing your life starts with changing your mindset.

    From mindfulness tools including journaling, meditation, and aromatherapy to stepping into your feminine energy, the Happiness Routines act as a roadmap to a life of greater alignment and joy, bringing you closer to your goals while helping you enjoy the process.

  • As you may already know, both men and women carry masculine and feminine energy - you can think of it as yin and yang. In spirituality, this is often referred to as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine - the highest, purest expression of those energies. While Masculine is the energy of action, Feminine focuses on trusting and allowing; being in the creative flow of life. Don’t confuse it for passivity - Feminine energy is powerful and fierce, but unlike the Masculine, it’s the energy of being, not doing.

    In terms of self-work, stepping into our Divine Feminine allows us to slow down and enjoy the process. It acts as a reminder that every transformation requires space for rest, reflection, gratitude, and self-care. That progress isn’t just about taking action and checking goals off your list but being in the here and now - taking a moment to enjoy this beautiful, radiant, powerful woman that you are in the process of becoming.

    As we work on ourselves, it’s easy to focus on the end goal, but the Feminine reminds us that life isn’t just about doing, but being.

    Being present. Curious. In the flow. Trusting that good things are on their way and that life is unveiling at the exact right pace. That the seeds of your work have been planted and soon it will be their time to bloom.

    As I walk you through the coaching process, we will be sure to leave plenty of space to embrace the feminine to support you on your journey.

Mastering personal leadership while standing within the divine feminine.